Durham NC Custody Attorney Explains What To Expect If You Are Same Sex Couples

By Jose Perry

In America, same sex couples are allowed to marry and even adopt kids if they so wish. They therefore have all the benefits and legal rights that come with being in a legal marital relationship. Even so, such couples are confronted with the same challenges, perhaps even additional hurdles when they get divorced and have to agree on child custody arrangements. In this case, you will have the best chances of enjoying a favorable outcome if you have a proficient Durham NC custody attorney in your corner.

The structure of your family would play a leading role in dictating how your issue will be viewed. If you are simply two gay couples who fell in love, got married and adopted kids, your case will not be considered unique. In other words, depending on what happens during negotiations or court proceedings, you could end up enjoying physical, sole, legal or joint custody of your little ones.

There are few facts that you may want to know ahead of time. First, in same sex unions, both parents have legal custody of their children. Normally, couples in traditional marriages have these rights because they are the biological parents of the children involved. In your case, both of you would be legal custodians of your kids, especially if you adopted them together.

In other words, you and your partner will have parental rights. This is typically the same thing that happens in a traditional marriage and hence there will be no need for your issue to be viewed differently. If negotiations fail and your case is presented in court, the judge will pass a ruling that favors the best interests of the children.

There are instances when only one parent has legal custody of a child in gay marriages. This is uncommon, though not impossible. If this is your case, then only the biological parent of the kid can keep the kids while the other will have no rights at all. He or she may however get regular visitation rights irrespective of the strength of the bond with the kids.

Deciding on the arrangement that can work best for the children can be difficult even when an issue is being determined in court. For you to swiftly navigate through the processes without much frustration, you should not underestimate the importance of working with a top rated family law expert. He or she will ensure that you are well acquainted with the legal options you could explore.

You will enjoy various enticing benefits once you hire a lawyer. First, the expert will ensure that your little ones are prioritized. He or she will also dispense information about the legal options you may consider exploring. In some instances, it is even vital to do a thorough research before choosing the most ideal fighting strategy.

Then again, your lawyer would also see to it that you secure an equitable child support agreement. Normally, the amount of money you are supposed to receive or pay will depend on your assets and income as well as those of your partner. With a reliable specialist on your side, you can better your chances of ensuring that an equitable order is passed.

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