Ideas For Better Orange County CA Co Parenting

By Raymond Lewis

When two adults who were in a relationship separate, the children are greatly affected. This is mainly because they will now have to start living in two households and split how they spend their time between mum and dad. These changes can be hard for everyone, including the parents. This is especially if the emotions are still raw or if the split was hard and bitter. This can make Orange County CA co parenting so much harder. Here are some things you can do, so as to make the transition easier.

You need to accept the situation as it is. This will make it easier for you to deal with the situation. Accepting a break up can be hard, especially if you did not want it. This can lead to lots of resentment, such that you will be willing to do anything to resent your partner. But once you accept the situation, it will be easier for you to deal with the aftermath, which includes dealing with the children.

One of the things that you might not have thought of is that it can be quite boring for you when the kids are with the other parent. You need to think about how you are going to occupy yourself when you are all alone, otherwise it can get quite depressing. But when you find fun things to do, your mood will improve and you will be a much happier person to be around and your kids will love being around you.

You might find yourself losing your temper a lot when dealing with your ex partner. This could be because of their irritating habits. However, if you want the situation to be more manageable, you need to get a hold of yourself whenever you are with the person and control your reactions. Try and act in a mature manner at all times.

You should take time and sit down and compare your routines. This way, you can work out what will be convenient for both parents and the child. This way, you can come up with a win win situation for everyone.

In addition, you need to be open to renegotiating your initial agreement. This is because things change a lot. What might have worked before might not work in different circumstances. Therefore, do not be too rigid and unaccommodating about your plans. Keep changing your plans, so as to accommodate both parent's needs and the needs of the children.

You should agree on how you are going to discipline the children. Agree on the common rules that apply both in the house of mum and in dad's house. This is so as to create some consistency. If rules are in place in one house but they are being disregarded in another house, this can live the child confused as to what they are supposed to do.

It is okay for you to be the boring parent every once in a while. You might be tempted to be the fun parent who does all the nice and enjoyable things, so that the children can like you. However, this can be hard to sustain in the long run as you will have to implement some rules at some point. It is okay to do normal everyday stuff with the children and just lie around doing nothing.

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