Discovering The Benefits Of Love Addiction Therapy

By Catherine Smith

Most people have experienced some type of love in life. Whether family, friendship or romantic love, most everyone has experienced one kind or another. While this is the case, there are often many whom mistake chemical and sexual attraction for the romantic type on a regular basis. In these cases, the individual may be in need of Love Addiction Therapy.

Currently, there remains a great deal of controversy as to whether or not this type addiction exists. Although, for those who have experienced first hand the disappointment of repeated rejection, most will suggest the addiction is a reality. For, it can often be vastly disappointing when someone a person loves has no interest in a romantic relationship.

While this is the case, the definition of this type of addiction includes having a compulsive pattern with regards to relationships, sexuality and romance. In many cases, these compulsive behaviors can have negative effects for addicts and partners. In fact, these addictions often end in failed marriages, legal issues, custody battles and sexually transmitted diseases.

Suggested symptoms include mistaking sexual attraction for romantic interest. In addition, individuals who always feel alone, desperate and inadequate when not in a relationship may be exhibiting signs. Individuals having a constant presence on dating websites and chat-lines can also be indicative of this type addiction. Whereas, anyone who always falls in love at first sight, on a first date, online or over the phone can also be exhibiting signs.

While still controversial, there are now therapies which can help both type addicts overcome these urges. Some of these therapies include learning how to set and maintain boundaries when it comes sex. Whereas, others focus on learning how to achieve legitimate intimacy and build healthy relationships over time.

These addicts often need to be cautious of becoming involved with sex addicts. While it can often be difficult to know if someone is a sex addict or otherwise, there are often signs. For example, when meeting someone new, if the individual attempts to make a move, is rejected and yet continues to do so, this person may very well be a sex addict.

Without consent, should an individual continue actions which are uncomfortable, the incident need to be reported to authorities. In some cases, the actions may cease before notifying the authorities is necessary. If and when this is the case, it is important to share the information with others who might find oneself involved with that person in the future.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual to determine whether or not one is interested in a long-term relationship. Individuals going through a dating process need to clarify any intentions one has towards a commitment or long-term relationship as early on in the process as possible. For, while dating can be fun, falling in love only to discover it is a one sided love can often be more destructive than most people realize.

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