Losing Weight For Females

By Sammy Ason

Women's fat loss is an interesting topic. Time and time again, there is a new diet that women must know about. But what about men's fat loss? It seems then that this statement is true, they are not created equal! n all seriousness, men and women are created the same, but it is the variations in their DNA that cause weight loss to be different for each. DNA is what determines how women carry their weight and where they store it.

This is due in part to the female body having different levels of hormones existing in a more delicate balance than in men. Because women menstruate monthly, their hormone levels are constantly shifting. The female body is always adapting to the loss of blood and vital nutrients that proceed along with it. But to say that menstruation is the culprit in the difficulty of female weight loss is not entirely true. There are other factors within a woman's body that alter weight loss such as stress. Now there's something that both men and women have in common!

For women looking to lose weight, there is still a solution. In women, fat loss can be harder than in men because of problematic areas where fat tends to be stored. Some women can lose a lot of weight but can still look "fat" in the areas of the butt, stomach, arms and thighs. This is the natural areas where fat tends to gather and is also the most difficult to rid of.

Even though it may seem that men don't have these problem spots, it is not true. Men also deal with this issue, but are more likely to find a solution. The reason is that they are more prone to working out, as opposed to women. When men build muscle, they are better able to target fat and burn it off. Women tend to shy away from lifting weights because they fear they will look muscular, and this is understandable. But light workouts can help melt fat, especially in those hard to target areas.

For many women a weight loss plan might resemble this: eat healthier by watching what they eat. For men it is more likely to look like this: track nutrition and incorporate exercise into their routines. This is another factor in weight loss for some women. They don't like to perform physical activity that includes weight training. it doesn't have to be intense, but combined with eating right, weight loss will occur more rapidly. Exercise should not be looked at as chore but rather an activity that is rewarding. In combination, eating right and being more active will make weight loss easier for women.

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