Information On Staten Island Church

By Elsa English

Churches are important for Catholics and Christians, just as mosques are for Muslims and temples are for Buddhists. These are special places of worships people come to fulfill religious duties as part of their faithful obligations. They come in all sizes, they come in all forms. They have distinct characteristics, yet they have their own uniqueness that make them just perfect for the purpose by which they are made. Very beautiful churches abound the world, including Staten Island church.

Churches are often admired for their sublime appearances and beautiful craftsmanship. Most of them are even considered tourist attractions that are really visited by millions, even though some of them are not even Christians. They are as timeless as the religion they are representing. They have survived significant events in human history yet they have preserved that aura of grandeur they were originally built with.

A church building can serve many functions. Cathedrals are well known to everyone, religious or otherwise. It is a common misconception that these have to be large and very imposing with all its pillars and intricate arches, as most well known ones are. The truth of the matter is that size does not really matter so much for a building to be called a cathedral.

There are many reasons why cathedrals are just magnificently built, though. First off, this is where the bishop says his mass. It is also the location for big liturgical rites such as ordination of new priests, and it simply has to be able to house hundreds of people who will flock in to witness the said events. Another reason is that they are traditional places of pilgrimage from people all over the world. Being a building dedicated to the glory of God, it should be made the best as money and skill can possible make it to be.

A basilica, on the other hand, is fashioned after the basilica structures in the times of Ancient Romans. It follows a longitudinal plan with the center naves extending to two aisles on either sides. However, a basilica has to be chosen and named as such by the pope himself.

The Catholic religion recognizes four major basilicas. All of them are found in Europe. Three are found in Rome, Italy, while the other one is in Vatican city. In addition, there are about a thousand of other minor basilicas all over the globe. Churches are granted basilica status because they house within their halls some objects that are venerated and relics of a recognized saint.

Abbey churches are those that belong to a monastic order. These buildings are often included inside a complex which also features dormitories, refectories, libraries, and cloisters. These are often occupied by orders such as Augustinians, Franciscans, Jesuits, and many others.

They served so many functions for people back then. The abbey often served as a refuge for the locals. Abbeys turned into parish churches at the end of a monastic era.

Of course, the appearance of the church does not affect its purpose. Whether big or small, humble or intricate, they are still very special places for the faithful. This is where the religious give thanks and worship the Maker they firmly believe in.

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