Using The Senior Shopping Service Syracuse NY

By Essie Osborn

Our ability to get from one place to another changes as you age. Losing the ability to comfortably move is sometimes part of the aging process of the body but can also be caused by the loss of a personal means of transportation. Either way the ability to provide for the basic needs for living alone is effected in a negative way. Senior shopping service Syracuse NY is an answer to the dilemma created by these issues.

When you start your search for these services you will find that there are several sources available to you. Their basic requirements will most likely be that you are sixty or older or that you are mobility disabled. You will need to fill out intake forms and schedule an appointment prior to receiving the services offered.

Assisted living facilities offer their residents either transportation on company buses or aids to do their shopping for them. Residents are allowed to include their aids on the bus trips if the situation warrants. Most trips are to grocery stores or malls where they disembark to shop and reassemble at a set time. Many of these facilities provide employees to shop for those who cannot participate.

Centers that serve seniors also provide transportation for their members. These excursions depart from the center on a set schedule, usually weekly, and transport the members to various locations. These services are also available to non-members if they fit the criteria set forth by the managing board.

Private companies and some private individuals are also available to provide these services. They are able to pick up the list of needed items from the client and bring them along with the change from the purchase back to their client. These companies and individuals charge a fee for their services but the fee may be taken care of by insurance or Medicaid if the client qualifies.

In home support services, a federally funded program also supplies people who can grocery shop for seniors. This program supplies many other services for the frail elderly while they are in the home. There are also volunteers that will come to the home and assist by going to any store for their clients. The volunteers are paid a stipend for their time and they will sometimes request a small amount from the client for gas costs.

Most public transit companies have special services for persons who are home bound. They offer discounted rates as well as door to door transportation for the client and an aid. Some grocery stores offer to do your shopping for you and then deliver it to your home later in the day. You will need a credit card for most of these services provided by the store and the prices may be inflated to cover their costs.

When seniors need to rely on personal friends or their children to shop for them they will sometimes choose to go without rather than impose on others. Having the option of a person or company that will do this chore for them gives them the advantage of choice of time and what they choose to purchase. There are many benefits inherent to this service that effect a seniors independence and ability to age in place.

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