A Quick At The Social Networks In South Africa

By Jerri Perry

Over the years, human beings have developed different mechanisms that are used for communication and interactions. Initially, the early man used very simple mechanisms in order to communicate and reach out to others. The wall writings and the use of decoded manuscripts evolved over the years into the modern technology that is used for communication and passing of information. The evolution in communication mechanisms has ensured that the social networks in South Africa have also moved along. This has made the live of the modern man very simple and complex at the same time.

There are various reasons as to why people communicate. In most cases, very important information is passed through the communication channels. Through the use of various channels available, information can be transmitted from one point to another. In other cases, people use the communication channels in order to keep in touch with their loved ones.

Interaction platforms are based on the communication channels. People interact as they communicate. Interactions are based on interests. People interact with like-minded friends. Through the various circles, they are able to share various types of information. For some, the circles are foundation of various business relationships. Others meet in these circles and fall in love. This happens especially when people of the opposite gender have very common traits. They develop special feelings for each other. This is what lays the foundation for long term relationships.

The evolution of the modern man has gone through a series of interesting phases. In the early days, the man used to communicate in very unique ways. Special messages could be inscribed into walls in form of very special symbols and characters. Then the early man started suing the smoke signals and drum beats in order to pass some messages. The decoded manuscripts were later used for relaying very sensitive messages.

The use of decoding mechanism laid the foundation for the telephony development. The developers of the initial phones used the principles of decoding of messages by the use phones. This information would then get relayed through a series of layers of networks. The initial phones were used for basic operations. They could only support a number of tools. This means that they were use for basic operations such as sending of messages and making calls.

The evolution of mobile phones has gone through a number of states too. This has created very complicated gadgets that can be used for multiple operations. The modern phones can accommodate very many applications. This means that they can be used for making video calls and sending multiple texts.

The use of the internet has been on the increase for last few decades. The internet has opened up the world to a new field of interactions. Through the use of the internet, people are able to meet and make new friends. There are various platforms and websites that people can use for online interactions.

Social networks in South Africa have been fueled by the availability of the internet. This means that the traditional barriers associated with the geographical and physical barriers have been eliminated. This has converted the platforms of interactions into global villages where people can meet and talk at any time.

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