Some Facts About Social Justice

By Peter Allen

Socialism is a rather broad topic that a lot of people have been exposed to either in class or maybe through news about rallies and movements. One of the most common concepts in socialist movements is the concept of social justice and is a broad topic that this ideology centers on . In order for one to understand what it is about, one has to first break down its definition and go from there.

As mentioned above, this concept is really all about equality and ensuring that all people have equal access to basic human rights. While the definition of human rights may differ per state or country, they basically encompass equal access to healthcare, equal opportunities for work, and equal treatment under the law. Any form of prejudice is known as social injustice and is something that the socialist movements are strongly against.

Now, this kind of socialist concept does not have any affiliation to a specific movement or party. However, it is a concept that is associated with the leftist movements specifically the Democratic party in the US or the socialist party. However, there are other socialists who do not identify or embrace the ideologies of the Democrats but rather have their own brand of socialist ideology.

Although this concept has been branded with an extremist type of perspective because of its use by the Marxists and communists, the whole principle of the concept is generally for the benefit of society. While these movements brought the concept to a more radical definition and enforced it by fear, it has different meanings today. In fact, most ideologies, even in a democratic society, has at least one element of this principle.

While that is the view of socialism in the past, today sees a different fight for this kind of justice in the form of human rights movements. Since the concept revolves around equality, it is no surprise that human rights activists would take up its mantle and fight for it to benefit the people. With a very prejudiced society, these activists aim to level out the playing field with more reforms.

Racism in the criminal justice system is something that socialist groups who advocate equality are fighting for as of current. In the American criminal system, white men are usually treated more leniently as compared to black men or Latino. This can be interpreted as a form of prejudice due to racial background.

Another thing that socialist groups are fighting for would be healthcare. According to their ideology, healthcare is a basic human right that should be given to all people equally without any prejudice since it makes up the entire well being of a person. They want to reform the present system wherein quality healthcare is sometimes viewed as a privilege for those who have money.

In a nutshell, this brand of justice is really all about equality. The only known problem about this concept is that it divides people in a way that each group has their own definition of what it means which also translates to them having their own specific reforms. While it is a great principle to follow, implementation would be a challenge unless all socialist groups are able to agree on all reforms they want for their respective societies.

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