Top Rated Durham NC Custody Attorney Shares Tips For Getting Full Custody

By Arthur Sullivan

There are factors that a judge must take note of before establishing a custodial arrangement. Currently, the sex of a parent is still considered as a determining factor, though this does not mean that it is impossible for men to enjoy the full custody of their little ones. You need to work with an experienced Durham NC custody attorney is you want to have the best chances of enjoying a favorable ruling.

If your ex is abusive or even unreliable, this can be enough grounds for you to fight for full custody. Your attorney will table the argument that the safety of your kids is not guaranteed given the irresponsibility of your spouse. A seasoned specialist can find thousands of ways to support these arguments.

Another factor that could sway the decision of the court in your favor is if you have better financial muscle. In this case, the argument would be that you are financially stable and hence in the best position to provide for all the needs of your kids. Raising children is an expensive affair and sometimes, the availability of money is what can work in the best interests of the kids.

Another deciding factor is if you are in excellent mental and physical health. These attributes would show your ability to take care of your little ones without needing any assistance. If you are able to present medical documents that show that your partner lacks bragging points as far as health matters are concerned, then the courts could again rule in your favor.

If the job or behaviors of your partner are likely to bring about conflicts, your lawyer will make this known in court. Things could work in your best interests if your ex is seen to travel frequently, meaning that the children would have to go without any parental supervision for lengthy periods. If this is your situation, then your ex is unlikely to get full custodial rights.

Habits like excessive smoking and drinking could also potentially cause conflicts. This is besides the fact that these habits can also negatively impact the overall wellness of your kids. Because this is a sensitive subject to touch on, your lawyer will device a proper strategy that will allow you to present relevant information in court.

It goes without saying that your financial stability will be a bragging point. This will also tag along other advantages such as being able to maintain the quality of the lives of your little ones. Again, the courts may rule in favor of a parent who can keep the children in the same home, state and school.

Another reason to get full custodial rights is if your bond with the children is stronger than the bond shared by the kids and your ex. Again, the judge would see it as an injustice to separate the kids from the parent they are fond of. For your case to have a favorable outcome, choose to hire a seasoned and dedicated attorney.

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