Is It True That Abraham Did Not Tithe?

By Ines Flores

Israelites used to give up to twenty two percent of the proceeds to Levites. It is the Levites who took ten percent to the storehouse. This is a pointer that sacrifice has been confused with tithing. In fact, in the New Testament, Jesus and his disciples did not mention tithing.

From the history of the bible, there are instances of sacrifices from the time of Cain and Abel to Isaac and Jacob. From the narrative in the Old Testament, is it true to say that Abraham did not tithe? The people who lived before Abraham, and whose life is thoroughly documented are said to have sacrificed but not tithed.

Evangelical churches are insisting on planting seeds in order to get blessings or be shielded from affliction. Job would have been the beneficiary of such schemes considering what he went through. It is Abram who made tithing to gain the prominence it has today.

Genesis fourteen records that Abram offered a sacrifice from what he got from conquering his enemies in war. The sacrifice included what Lot and the people around him had. A similar sacrifice is made after Lot was rescued from his enemies. These cases indicate sacrifice from war plunder but not personal possession.

There is an element of free will when Abram was dealing with offerings. In verse twenty one of Genesis, he is asked to take what they had brought from the war. His response it that he will not unless it is said that he got rich out of war plunder. He gives ninety percent to those who went to war with him and the other portion to the priests.

The church today has made tithing part of daily service unlike what the bible suggests. Abraham was a very wealthy man yet he only gave up what was gotten from war. From the traditions of the Israelites, tithing was a form of worship and was to be based on individual preference. There is no mention that people were required to give their best as is advocated in the church today.

The lingering question is, should the New Testament have eliminated the element of tithing? Present day church insists that Christians must give up their best. What has never been clear is whether the preachers and ministers give the best of their possession. While they own the best cars, pieces of land and buildings, are they donated to the church?

Moses introduced the rule of a tenth in an attempt to protect the theocracy. In Leviticus 27, he orders that all proceeds from the land, either as seeds or animals must be brought to the Lord. This rule was to apply to priesthood whereby they were to give a tenth of what they got from Israelis as well.

Malachi 3 is where tithing seems to be founded. God would punish Israelites if they failed to sacrifice. They would face drought and famine for failing to give to God. Jesus flips the coin by condemning those who tithe at the expense of feeding the poor. This is recorded in Mathew 23.

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